Articles > Why shorten feeding window
Hanukkah (and Christmas) is coming soon, and we are moving from meal to meal, from dessert to dessert and not giving our digestive system a rest.
Besides the fact that eating like that leads to weight gain because it is often accompanied by prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity, it may also interfere with our sleep, and the overactivity of certain hormones and the lack of other hormones. A combination of intermittent fasting (or limited feeding time) in these cases will help us maintain both the weight and the hormonal balance of the body.
Intermittent fasting (or IF) gives me a sense of lightness and success. When I don't have to worry about food and can be more free which helps my ability to think and minimizes the amount of choices I make in a day. Of course the physiological results of intermittent fasting are clearly visible. The best thing that comes out of this habit is stopping eating in the evening which is a major contributor to overeating as we eat either in front of the TV or when we are already tired. In these situations we are prone to overeating.
What are the benefits of IF?
7. Other benefits:
Boosting of mood hormones such as serotonin.
Evidence of improvement in female fertility.

Glycogen decreases in the first hours until it disappears in 12 hours (the primary energy store in the body), so we emptied the refrigerator. When the food in the refrigerator runs out, we start looking in the freezer, which is the fat tissue. The breakdown of fat is observed as an increase in the free fatty acids in the blood which reach a peak in 14 hours. Insulin levels starts to decrease when glycogen runs out, basically the production of sugar ends and therefore there is less need to get it into the cells (which insulin does). The decrease in the amount of insulin maintains the sensitivity to it and thus protects against diabetes. At the 14th hour, an exponential increase in ketone bodies (from which the name of the ketogenic diet is derived) begins, which indicates massive fat breakdown and this is in addition to the free fatty acids.
So basically we create a situation of breaking down fat while maintaining sugar levels healthy, without the intervention of physical activity or dietary change.
Understood, how do I begin IF
1. Hydrate – make sure we are not dehydrated because it is difficult to distinguish between true hunger and thirst.
2. Start slowly – start with 12 hours of fasting and for four days progress by one hour to 16 hours each time. Can do in increments of 30 min as well you decide.
3. Choose the times that suit your lifestyle – some of us eat later in the evening therefore prefer to return to eat only late afternoon and some of us will stop eating in the early evening so they can eat late morning. Adapt to your style. I.e., finish your last meal at 6PM and start eatng again at 10AM.
4. Decide to which level you want to go for – will you do it every day? 5 times a week? What level will you be able to commit yourself to?
5. Don't be harsh on yourself, just remember that every day you succeed is a great addition to your health.
To fix the habit, try the exercise from the Zero Resistance Habits article.
Who is IF not recommended for
– Children
– Boys
– elders
– Pregnant or breastfeeding women
– Underweight
– with a history of eating disorders
– Diabetes or other sugar regulations disorders
– People with medical problems and who take medicines with food.
And in any case, check with your doctor before trying intermittent fasting.
Wishing you a happy and healthy Hanukkah and Christmas.
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