Articles > Zero Resistance Habits

Zero Resistance Habits

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So you have decided that you are finally making a health and physical change. You are learning and planning, and then one of two problems arises: either what you have decided to do does not match what you want to achieve and / or you have chosen things that are too difficult to do. For example, you decided to run a marathon early next year, starting in a week – probably impossible. Mostly it happens to us because of the sense of urgency, "I want to achieve the change now." This thing comes to us from the subconscious and happens following something that happened to us: we could not chase our child, we barely climbed the stairs, etc. So you tell yourself that "the change should have happened yesterday" and that "it is impossible to continue like this." The sense of urgency often leads to unwanted choices for such a change. Then one of two things happen, either an unsuccessful attempt to change or, it is like finishing a project such as losing weight for a wedding. You struggle to achieve your target weight but then cannot maintain it.
So how do you build a habit that lasts a long time and even forever?

Zero Resistance Habits - short form

-Finding the trigger for performing the behavior or habit.
-Shortening assimilation using emotional motive.
-Combining a victory movement.
-Repetition for complete assimilation.

8 steps to incorporate a zero resistance habit into our lives:
-Ask ourselves what we need now
-Brainstorming – At least 10 behaviors that will lead to achieving the goal
-Elimination of the most significant and applicable behaviors
-What are we going to do? Finding the ideal behavior for us is application-specific

To avoid failure or experience as a project that does not hold. We make the change out of awareness without a sense of urgency and while addressing the MAP model of human behavior of Fogg, the behavioral researcher at Stanford University:
Motivation – There is a desire to perform the behavior.
Ability – We can do the thing we want to do.
Prompt– a trigger in the environment that helps us get the message that we need to do it now.-

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8 steps to assimilating a habit


1.We need to answer the question, what is important to me now to change my health? What change in my lifestyle will lead me to this? Take a few minutes now to connect to your body wisdom, or if you already know what you want to achieve, move on to the next step.

2.Now brainstorm. Bring up at least 10 behaviors that you would like to incorporate into your life or believe will contribute to achieving your vision. E.g., walk in the morning, meditate once a day, do 10-20 squats at work every hour , etc. After you find them, we will move on to step 3.

3.Try to identify the behaviors that will give the most impact according to your familiarity with yourself. Find 3-5 behaviors that you believe will move you fastest toward your goal. Morning walks, for example, are very likely you can start easy. Although if you are a parent of small children who barely get out of the house in time to get to work after dropping off the kids at school or you are people who have difficulty waking up in the morning, this behavior will probably be difficult to integrate into your daily life.
Test the habits you believe can be implemented without much effort. Take a few minutes now to read the list you wrote and choose 3-5 behaviors that will not only propel you forward but also are appropriate for your specific lifestyle and circumstance.


4.The next step is to check with your body. You use your mind to come up with ideas. To choose the right one, you check if your body agrees. So how do you do that? It may be that you will not feel anything at first because it requires practice and connection to the body. Find a place where you can be comfortable and quiet without interruption, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and feel your body. Now imagine the action you want to perform. For example, park your car two blocks from work or stop two bus stops earlier, and walk to increase the required walking time. How do you feel in the body? Do you feel warm? Any stiffness in the body? Maybe a feeling of release? Or nothing because you need more practice? It takes time. Still, try to find out from the actions you chose which one your body has the least resistance to. The one you find will be the primary behavior you will bring into your life right now. If you did not find any, try to make a small change to the behavior and repeat this process. Do it until you find one you can perform without resistance.

Prompt & assimilation

5.Now you need to find a motive. Think of something that will motivate you to action. You need to find something that happens anyway in your day and make it the motivator. If we go back to the example of walking to work, then you park the car in a place you pass every day, like a supermarket or a mall or anything that attracts attention, and from there you always start walking. The same thing goes for the bus / taxi etc.

6.According to Fogg, while some studies show that it takes days to build a habit, he believes that with a strong enough emotional motivation, it is possible to create habits immediately. For example, a teenager who receives a cell phone for the first time does not have to make an effort to check it every day as the emotional motivation is big enough for it to happen by itself. Therefore you need to find the emotional motivator that will work for you.

7.Something you can try as a start, is to celebrate the thing you managed to do each time by a small body gesture that signifies success for you. You parked the car far from work and walked? You can make an "I have succeeded" movement: give yourself high five, pat yourself on the back, whatever you choose that will work for you.

8.To assimilate the thing, perform it 7 times in a row now. You can actuall perform the habit or imagine doing it in your head

Try the exercise yourself for a habit that you think will move you forward. I recommend to perform fully to get the best results, good luck!


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